
viernes, 25 de enero de 2019

The Sign by Stoics

The sign by stoics

The Stoics devoted themselves strongly to language when their school reached apogee. Already since time immemorial, the sign was raised for the first time by the Stoics and to this day its explanation has validity.


The Stoics defined the sign as ''that which seems to reveal something'' in a general way. On the other hand, they also defined it as "what indicates a dark thing".

In this way, the signs are classified in two ways in the Stoics:

  • Reminders: when things are occasionally dark; for example, the smoke that comes from the fire.
  • Indicative: signs that are never observed with the indicated thing; for example, the movements of the body are indications of the soul

In a more logical sense, the Stoics also considered the signs in the following way:

''A proposition constituted by a valid and revealing relation of the consequent''

This gives us to understand that the sign is a purely intellectual matter. The only ones who did not agree with this definition were the Epicureans who said that the sign was sensitive because it can lead to induction.


As we said, this is the definition that has been considered since its invention with the Stoics. Nothing is more difficult than determining the nature of the sign, because in any case it has a dark essence, it is like something visible that we are not sure of. As San Agustín would say, the best example of a sign could be the footprint, because this is an indication that an animal is hanging around.

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